Surgical Weight Loss

For overweight patients who have never been able to maintain their weight with prescriptions, special diets, or physician-directed weight-loss programs, we have two safe and effective surgical weight-loss options.

Non-Surgical Weight Loss

There are many reasons why a surgical weight-loss solution may not be right for some individuals. This is why EM•POW•ER’s holistic health and wellness program has non-surgical pathways along with a supportive team approach.

Renew Classes

Mindfulness is one of the classes that a patient can take. It will specialize in maintaining ones awareness about their environment and help de-stress by using ones’ senses and deep breathing techniques.

Nutrition Education

Healthy eating is an important component to living a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Your food and physical activity choices each day affect your health—how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Exercise Programs

With any weight-loss journey, it is very important to get the body moving! One of the awesome benefits of EM-POW-ER is that we have not only have yoga in our Blackfoot clinic, but we also have support from the Apple Athletic Club in Idaho Falls.

Women’s Health

This will be a specialized program for women throughout their childbearing years to post menopause years. The following are components of our upcoming women’s health program: Nutrition Classes, Meetings with a dietitian, Meets with a physician assistant (PA), Yoga classes, Renew classes (mindfulness), Support group

Teen Weight Loss

This will be a non-surgical program that specializes in helping teens with their unique and personal weight-loss journey. The following are components of our future teen weight-loss program: Meetings with a dietitian, Meets with a physician assistant (PA), Yoga classes, Renew classes (mindfulness), Support group.

What is EM•POW•ER?

What is

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Why Choose EM•POW•ER?

Lifelong Followups

We will continue to follow up with you throughout your weight loss journey, and are committed to your success.


Get discounted memberships at a local health clubs, provided in case you didn’t already have a membership.


Family & Friends can come take classes with you, to help them learn how they can better support you.

Free Seminars

Be on the lookout for our seminars, as they cover a wide variety of weight loss topics – all FREE to you.

Support Groups

Our support groups are there for every part of your journey. From beginning to end, we all have each other’s back.

Team Specialists

Access our team of weight loss specialists and ask them any questions you’d like answered at any time.

Dietary Assistance

Maintaining a diet is crucial to weight management, and you can create the best diet for you that still works!

Counseling & Testing

The EMPOWER team offers pre- and post-op counseling and testing in-house for your health & safety.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey

Flexible appointments available

Or call — (208) 782-3993


6:00 p.m.

Harrington Classroom

98 Poplar Street, Blackfoot

Idaho Falls


Bingham Healthcare Specialty Clinic

3302 Valencia Drive, Idaho Falls


6:00 p.m.

Hampton Inn

151 Vista Dr, Pocatello

Better Weight Loss is Our Mission

Start your journey today!